The STEAM-Active (Project Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032107) project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



Seventh Partners' Meeting

On June 18, 2024, the seventh STEAM-Active partners' meeting convened in Florence, Italy. Every partner attended the gathering, where they focused on several key topics. They conducted a final assessment of the TLSs, analyzed the administrative and financial reporting process, presented the multiplier events that had been carried out, and discussed strategies to ensure the sustainability of the project results.


Enjoy Sailing in Greek islands

The Teaching Learning Sequence "Enjoy Sailing in Greek Islands" is available on the project portal. Sailing and Greece are two words that can work proper together. Also tourism applies as one economic sector where sailing can help the most during summer. Students should design a mobile app that will promote sailing tourism in Ionian Island with special focus in women. The app should present sailing routes combined with points of interest (POIs) of cultural, touristic and shopping interest. Special attentions shoud be taken in order to include POIs that will be interested for both male and female participants.


New Perspective in Science Education

The StemaActive project has been presented in the framework of the New Perspective in Science Education International Conference held in Florence and online on 14-15 March 2024. The Conference brings together teachers, researchers, practitioners and project managers from all over the world to share findings, expertise and experience about innovative science teaching and learning methodologies. The paper, entitled “PBL Application to STEAM Education Incorporating Sustainability and Gender Equality Axes: STEAM-ACTIVE Project Implementation in University and High School” has been included in the conference proceedings and it reports the link to the project website.


Pick and place of pharmaceuticals

The Teaching Learning Sequence "Pick and place of pharmaceuticals for preparation of daily dosage in a medication organizer" is available on the project portal. The question for the students to be answered is: how can I support individual medication by an automation system? How to improve human attention for people in need of care by utilization of computerized assistance? Goal is to develop a ‘machine’ which reads a defined medication order for one day/one person, picks the pills/medication entities out of a box and places it in a personal medication organizer box (morning/noon/evening).


Sixth Partners' Meeting

The STEAM-Active sixth partners' meeting took place in San Sebastian (ES) on 29 - 30 January 2024.
All partners participated in the meeting and the main discussed topics were:
- Feedback about the piloting process for the online course
- Presentation of the TLSs for the second semester
- Planning of multiplier events


Battery systems in electric transportation

The Teaching Learning Sequence "Electrical Efficiency of buildings" is available on the project portal. It deals with the improvement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for a building (1 building per student) considering the fixed electrical grid and local renewable generation possibilities, including collective self-consumption with neighbouring buildings.


Planning the Placement of Recycling Containers

The Teaching Learning Sequence "Planning the Placement of Recycling Containers" is available on the project portal. It contributes to circular economy by planning the placement of the recycling containers in the urban area with considering the network of the recycling points and the local features such as buildings and population density.


Cycling tour and Tourism

The Teaching Learning Sequence "Cycling tour and Tourism" is available on the project portal. It Introduces the concept of micromobility in modern municipalities. Micromobility is one of the areas where modern municipalities should invest. Cycling is in the middle of circular economy and it needs to be integrated not as a physical exercise (only) but as a way of living. Students should prepare a report and design a mobile app that will promote cycling routes across the country combined with points of interest (POIs) of cultural, touristic and shopping interest.


Steam-Active on IEEE

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. An article entitled "Innovative teaching methods in engineering education: the STEAM-Active project" has been published on this portal.


Fifth Partners' Meeting

The STEAM-Active fifth partners' meeting took place in Kaunas (LT) on 19 - 20 June 2023.
All partners participated in the meeting and the main discussed topics were:
- Definition of the piloting process for the online course
- Approval of the first set of teaching-learning strategies and definition of the assessment and piloting process
- Analysis of the sustainability activities


Online Course - Basis for designing a STEAM Active project

The third module "Basis for designing a STEAM Active project" of the online course is available on the project portal. This third module starts by explaining the design protocol, expanding on the new terminology and how the contents of the previous modules are applied in the protocol. To better understand the design process, there will be an example of a STEAM Teaching-Learning Sequence. The importance of this guide will be highlighted by presenting the learning objectives of each activity, the recommended didactic technique for their development or the evaluation.


Online Course - STEAM Active Approach

The second module "STEAM Active Approach" of the online course is available on the project portal. This module deals with the "Ingredients of STEAM-Active methodological approach", "Ingredients of STEAM-Active teaching techniques approach" and "Teachers’ characteristics/ingredients to be good applying STEAM-Active approach in our teaching".


Online Course - Basis of STEAM

The first module "Basis of STEAM" of the online course is available on the project portal. STEAM projects are associated with active learning, fun, value for society, and diversity. However, the meaning of STEAM can vary with respect to the goals and the environment the acronym is used. To make this acronym more approachable, Module 1 covers the basis of STEAM, its evolution, features, and integration levels in practical application.


Paper submitted at the EAEEIE conference

A wonderful opportunity to disseminate the STEAM-Active project!
The project partners presented a paper for the EAEEIE conference (About EAEEIE) talking about the objectives, target groups, expected results and products that will be developed within the STEAM-Active project framework.


STEAM-Active: Fourth Partners' Meeting

The STEAM-Active fourth partners' meeting took place online (zoom) on 11 January 2023.
All partners participated in the meeting and the main discussed topics were:
- Project Result 2: Presentation of the draft version of the E-Learning Course modules;
- Project Result 3: Presentation of the template for the identification of the problems to be solved with the TLSs;
- Presentation of the Memorandum of Understanding.

As usual, the meeting was very fruitful and the partnership showed all its cohesion.


Draft Version of the E-Learning Course content

Working with great precision and effectiveness, the project partners have developed the draft version of the E-Learning Course content that will be discussed at the online meeting to be held on January 11.


E-Learning Course: Work in Progress!

The Project Partners started to work on the Project Result 2: the E-Learning Course.
In particular, working in pairs, they are developing the draft contents of the course (addressed to lecturers in engineering) and strictly related to the protocol.


Protocol for Teachers Available!

The protocol for teachers outlining the features of the STEAM approach developed by the University of the Basque Country with the support of all the other HEIs Partners is now available on the project's website.

Click here to check out!


Third Partners' Meeting

The STEAM-Active third partners' meeting took place online on 5 - 6 September 2022 in Patras (EL) and on Zoom.
All partners participated in the meeting in person or online and the main discussed topics were:
- Presentation of the proposal of the protocol, a document to implement and evaluate STEAM
interventions for higher education students
- Analysis of the protocol
- Analysis of the table of contents for the e-learning course for lecturers on how to apply innovative STEAM teaching methodologies


Protocol: Work in Progess

The HEI's Project Partners are almost finished working on the final version of the Protocol for Teacher, which will soon be available on our website.

Stay tuned!


Bibliographic Review: Upload Completed

The HEIs partners have uploaded all the 40 Bibliographic Reviews!

They are available here.


Designing and implementing a STEM career maturity program for prospective counselors

The Consortium Partner University of Peloponnese uploaded the review entitled "Designing and implementing a STEM career maturity program for prospective counselors" review to the project website.

Have a closer look here.


Teaching socio-scientific issues through integrated STEM education: an effective practical averment from Indonesian science lessons

The Consortium Partner IMH uploaded this interesting bibliographic review to the project website.

Have a closer look here.


Uploading of Bibliographic Reviews!

The reviews that the HEIs partners of the project are uploading aim to determine what STEM/STEAM is (by placing the term in its historical context), how new methodologies are different from the previous ones, and the extent to which STEAM teaching approaches are feasible in the classrooms of different engineering degrees in the European context.

The Bibliographic Reviews are available here.


STEAM-Active Kick-off Meeting

The kick-off meeting of the STEAM-Active project took place online as a consequence of the COVID-19. All partners participated in the meeting and the main topics discussed were:
- Presentation of the project activities, objectives and results;
- Presentation of the templates and calendar of activities for the first project result;
- Analysis of the Project Assessment by the Spanish National Agency;
- Presentation of the financial management.


STEAM-Active Project

The STEAM-Active project is funded by the European Commission through the Spanish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme to improve engineering teachers’ knowledge and experience using innovative educational methodologies such as STEAM and to better students’ performance in engineering-related social issues by promoting their ability to integrate different disciplines in solving a problem.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

The STEAM-Active project | Copyright 2022